Friday, September 18, 2009

CMO CLUB Roundtable Call with Patty Azzarello, "Building Credibility and Relevance with your Stakeholders"

Patty Azzarello, CMO Coach within The CMO CLUB led a active CMO roundtable call with 8 other CMOs on the topic of "Building Credibility and Relevance with your C-Level Stakeholders". A number of great topics covered include:

Delete “Brand” from Brand Strategy, it’s Business Strategy

Branding is not a Marketing Job, it’s everyone’s job

Translate vs. Educate (If you are always educating your peers on marketing then you are not relevant)

Your strategy is where you put your resources

What is your personal brand? Decide then reinforce with everything you do

Not only understand your CEOs key priorities, but use the words he/she uses to describe the priorities

You need to think through a function by function blueprint for branding across every department in the company.

Click hear to listen to Roundtable - MP3 File

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