Adam Berrey, CMO at Brightcove introduced the session "Internet TV and Online Video: Hitting home runs and avoiding disaster" with a handful of creative examples of online video and then offered some advice on producing viral video and how it may not necessarily coincide with your corporate branding objectives.
Integrating video with the online environment: In one example, Berrey showed you can put video in a page, link it with a banner ad and tell a more interesting story. For example, here's a video of an "I'm a Mac and I'm a PC" online ad that's linked to the banner ad within the page.
You can't simply say "I want to make a viral video": Sure it would be nice to get all that viewership for very little work, but it doesn't happen that simply.
To try to better understand what makes a successful viral video
Dynamic Logic did a study. While not uncovering a panacea or a repeatable formula for viral, Dynamic Logic did discover that there were four key attributes inherent in viral video. You don't need all, but the more helps your chances for viral success. They are:
- Laugh out loud funny.
- Edgy - Cross boundaries and challenge people to be pass the video to their friends.
- Gripping - capture the viewer's attention and hold it.
- Sexual - Not necessarily pornographic, but sexy helps.
The problem with companies making viral videos is these viral video attributes rarely match the company's brand attributes.
All is not lost for corporations looking to get involved in online video while maybe not taking the steps needed to go viral. You don't need the viral video formula. What you need are videos that support your sale environment. Ask yourself, "Would creating a video better explain a key point along your sales process?"
While Brightcove's metrics show that the average time a person watches an online video is 2.8 minutes, Berrey advises that regardless the length of your video, try to tell your full story in the first 40 seconds.
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